

Virtual auction

We are hosting our first online auction and we need your donations. If you or your business would like to donate an item or items, such as artwork, gift cards, gift baskets, hotel stays, event tickets, department store gift cards, wine baskets, jewelry and anything that you would like to donate to help make this a success. Please send an email to and someone will contact you..

Fundraiser with ElonWick!

Fundraiser with ElonWick!

Roaring 20’s Gala with AIL of GA Owner, Jamison Weatherspoon.

Roaring 20’s Gala with AIL of GA Owner, Jamison Weatherspoon.

American Income Life

American Income Life

DJ Jeff Karr, First City Events

DJ Jeff Karr, First City Events

Annual Gala

Annual Gala

Jessica Wilhite Finley & Jesse Santamarina Kay.

Jessica Wilhite Finley & Jesse Santamarina Kay.

2024 Annual Fundraising Gala


thanksgiving meal to our neighbors

Our Thanksgiving meal to our Neighbors living in the homeless camps was a huge success thanks to our sponsorship from Rawls Realty! Special thanks to Unforgettable Bakery for partnering with us with use of your bakery and cooking skills!.

Roaring 20’s Gala with MC Lorenzo McDonald and Marilyn McDonald.

Roaring 20’s Gala with MC Lorenzo McDonald and Marilyn McDonald.

American Income Life

American Income Life

CFO Sue Brown and Dawn Hagin

CFO Sue Brown and Dawn Hagin

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Kendra Scott Fundraiser

Kendra Scott Fundraiser

Kids Fashion Show with MC Mia Mance and husband Attorney Chad Mance.

Kids Fashion Show with MC Mia Mance and husband Attorney Chad Mance.

The Divine Rest Team having a Divine time at our 2020 Gala!

The Divine Rest Team having a Divine time at our 2020 Gala!

2015 Gala

2015 Gala

Event Planner Bonnie Karr, First City Events.

Event Planner Bonnie Karr, First City Events.

Jessica Wilhite Finley and Jesse Santamarina Kay.

Jessica Wilhite Finley and Jesse Santamarina Kay.

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WSAV Kim Gusby with Veronica Brown and Teia Acker Moore.

WSAV Kim Gusby with Veronica Brown and Teia Acker Moore.

Roaring 20’s Gala with Amanda Reed and Anna Carpenter.

Roaring 20’s Gala with Amanda Reed and Anna Carpenter.

Our first luncheon fundraiser!

Our first luncheon fundraiser!